Last week I decided to try giving the girls some rice cereal -
The results:
Brooklyn took right to it and eats more and more every time!
We spent Thanksgiving here in SLC with Jeff's mom, sister, and grandma. It was a nice relaxing day with TONS of food! Here is just a cute picture of Jeff playing with Emmalyn. She's always been really good about holding up her head. When she was just a few days old Jeff was holding her up on his chest and she lifted her head up and moved it to the other side. Brooklyn is getting there, she can hold her head up, but it always leans to the one side so we're trying to work with her on strengthening the other side.
One great thing that has happened is I was able to quit my job at the State Office of Education and stay home with the girls. In doing that I now get a glimpse, Monday - Friday, of what it would've been like if I wouldn't have miscarried the triplet we had. I babysit the little girl of some friends of ours. She's exactly 2 months and 1 day younger than our girls (her mom was due 5 days after me). Some days I wonder what I was thinking, but I manage and I look forward do the days when they're best friends and all play together!!
Jeff's mom found and bought these adorable Christmas dresses for the girls. I must proudly point out their bows...I made them!! (not the headbands, just the bows)
In the last couple of weeks, Brooklyn and Emmalyn have become very aware of each other. It is so cute to watch!! They'll look at each other and smile. They'll even occasionally "talk" to each other. I love watching them interact with each other. Here's a cute picture we got of them holding hands one day...I know it wasn't on purpose, but it's still cute nonetheless!!
Back in the beginning of December our ward had a Christmas party that, of course, involved Santa and Mrs. Clause. The girls were actually still being pretty good (it was past their bed time) so we took them on up to get a picture!
Anyway, there's just a few random updates on whats been going on around here. Jeff is still working for Convergys and has been really busy with a new implementation that was recently done with the software that he supports. He's been averaging at least one 5-6 hour phone call almost every day.
Another bit of news is that we have listed our town home for sale. We've had a couple of lookers but that's it. We have looked at a few houses for us, but have decided to kind of hold off on that until we start getting a little more action on our house. But we are hoping that we'll be able to sell soon, I can only imagine how much smaller this place is going to seem with I have two little rug rats crawling/walking around!!
I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Years...I can't believe it's already 2010!!
1 comment:
Do you miss us yet? Three babies vs. three specialists? Hum - I hope you are loving it. I miss you! T
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