Well the past couple of days have been quite the interesting ones. We went in Wednesday afternoon for our 30 week ultra sound and doctor visit. Pretty routine, had
Bunco that night and plans for the weekend...well that all changed in a matter of minutes!!
The ultra sound went well. The girls are getting so big, they're each measuring at about 3.5 lbs each, growing fabulously, and have great heart
rhythms and everything. We then went into the doctor and he decided to check my cervix and see how things were going. Well I am
dialated to a 1 and my cervix is extremely thin...for those that don't know, for only being at 30 weeks that's not so good!! So the doctor sent us to the OB observation area to monitor the babies for at least a couple of hours. Well, a couple of hours turned into almost 48 hours!!
When they first hooked the babies' and I up to the machine I was having mild
contractions every 40 second to a minute...they were so mild that I wasn't even feeling them, but they were very much there!! So within about 15-20 minutes I got a shot in the hip with some steroids (betamethazone sp?) to help the babies lungs develop faster and I was admitted into Labor and Delivery. I was poked, prodded, and hooked up to all types of monitors. I spent the rest of the night having each of the babies' heart beats being monitored, my
contractions being monitored, and my blood pressure taken at least every 30 minutes, and of course the multiple visits from nurses and doctors checking on this, monitoring that, giving me
meds and asking whatever questions they had. Needless to say it was a rough night.
Thursday morning, the
contractions had slowed
significantly and nothing had changed with my cervix, so they sent me over to a more comfortable area, but where they could still keep an eye on the babies' and me. Things went smoothly all Thursday and I got my second steroid shot that evening and was told they still wanted to observe me overnight. So we settled in again. That night went MUCH better, still not the greatest, but then again what night in a hospital is ever that great??
This morning (Friday) they took me over for a non-stress test (NST) and I had no
contractions and both babies' heartbeats were fabulous!! After a few more hours we were told that we were clear to leave. However, I am now on a strict
bed rest. I am to be sitting/laying down the majority of the time. I can get up and go to the bathroom and shower and to the kitchen to get food...all the basic stuff, but other than that I am to be off my feet and resting.
We're hoping and praying for AT LEAST 4 more weeks if not more!! Please keep us in your thoughts and prays and for those that live in the area feel free to stop by and visit me :) Just call first to make sure I'm awake!!